We learn a lot from talking to our customers and we always continue to be surprised by their innovative (and sometimes peculiar) uses for our products.

One of the most popular uses, and something we get asked about almost every day, is using our twinwall or land drain pipes as rabbit runs! People love using these for their pets giving them exercise as well as a place to shelter.
These pipes are an inexpensive alternative to a traditional pet store run and you can customise it as you please utilising the flexibility of land drain for playful corners and hills, and the rigidness of twinwall for a more stable connection between huts or pens. A great feature is that you can shape the run to fit your space, as all of our land drain and twinwall pipes are easy to cut with a standard hand saw.
Seems people will do anything for a happy pet!
Speak to us today about your pet project!
As demand has been so high, and the minimum length of land drain you can buy is 25m, which clearly is too long for a standard run, we are starting to sell our 160mm and 200mm land drain in 1m lengths; perfect for this type of project!

These photos were sent in to us by a customer who put in an unusual requested for some props for a wedding venue. The customer bought two of our 300mm underground sewer pipes and creatively covered them to form oversized sweet packages for an 80’s theme wedding!
Find out more about our ULTRA 3 range here and see if it could be suitable for your next project!
Another regular use we see crop up every now and then, is using our large dimeter twinwall pipes for playgrounds or essentially child-friendly rabbit runs!
The large sizes these pipes come in, 750mm, 900mm and 1050mm, combined with the sturdy material make them a versatile playground fixture for tunnels or even enclosed slides. These 450mm twinwall pipes were recently donated by JDP to a dog sanctuary, Dogs 4 Rescue, who used them as tunnels in a new outdoor activity playground for the dogs to run through!

One of our sales team discovered a customer who had bought a black MDPE coil not to transport drinking water, but instead to transport people!
A rickshaw company wanted to use some 20/25mm black MDPE, couplers and reducers to make the hoods for the trikes they had to give a more luxurious feel. The first trike they made using this turned out to be a big success and went on to be sold to a customer in France.
We want to know more!
If you’ve bought some products from us that you haven’t used for its intended purpose, tell us about it! Whether it’s a new idea we haven’t mentioned or it’s something already on this page, send us a photo of the finished product with a bit about what you used and why, and your ideas could feature on this page to inspire others!
Email your photos and stories to the email address below!