Latest Land Drainage

A basic guide to land drainage
In this article we answer all your burning questions about the basic prinicples of land drainage. Plus it's all squeezed into a handy video aswell!

Why is land drainage so important for farmers?
If you know, then you know! ...But if you don't, have a read of this article to find out why you should really be using land drainage.

How to make connections between land drain and other pipe systems
A quick how-to overview on making a connection between land drain and other drainage products, such as twinwall and soakaway/attenuation crates.

Should pipe perforations go up, or down?
Up, down, left, right, shake it all about. Struggling to find out which way up to install your perforated drainage pipe? This article has all the answers!

Land drain or French drain?
Bonjour mon ami! Find out if you're installing land drain or French drain, and the differences between each system.

Fixing drainage problems in your garden lawn
Gnomes going for a swim? Your petunia just won gold at the Olympics? Solve your garden and lawn water drainage problems with land drain!

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